
Our Process

DESIGN CONSULTATION – We can create a unique look and design rendering, or work with blue prints finishing an existing design approach. Perusing our prior designs in our gallery will bring inspiration and options to complete your décor.

PROPOSAL – We will create a design proposal meeting your budgetary requirements and design parameters. Custom examples of foliage, botanical looks and floral designs reflect quality and realistic materials and fibers. We are certain that you will “OOO” and “AHHH” at this point.

CUSTOM DESIGN – All of our trees, plants and floral designs are created at time of order. Real tree fibers and bark are used to create authentic pieces that will last veritably maintenance free. Local and global manufacturers are available to provide only the finest of materials and products.

DUST FREE AND FIRE RETARDANT – The newest materials and adhesives allow us to present dust reduction and fire retardant products. Many products meet most states fire retardant codes.

DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION – We provide complete delivery and installation on projects allowing for a seamless process. We are able to work after hours if needed so to not disturb normal business flow.